The exciting and highly acclaimed early music ensemble Opella Musica, under the direction of Gregor Meyer, this time takes on a masterpiece of 17th century Lenten devotion. Dieterich Buxtehude's Passion cycle "Membra Jesu Nostri" is meditation music. The contemplation of the body of Jesus of Nazareth hanging on the cross unfolds in the strict uniformity of a formal framework that is largely the same seven times - instrumental sonata, an ensemble called "Concerto", multi-strophic aria and repetition of the concerto. The strongest meditative effect, however, comes from Buxtehude's tonal language. The composer avoids great leaps and writes an intimately moving melody that seems to envelop the listener in a gesture of consolation. In addition, the harmony is simple, but astonishingly dissonant due to the numerous foretones.
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